Saturday, September 27, 2008

take me out to the ball game

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Good game! DSC02674


Thursday, September 25, 2008

i meant to do my work today

by Richard LeGallienne

I meant to do my work today,
But a brown bird sang in the apple tree,
And a butterfly flitted across the field,leaves
And all the leaves were calling me.
And the wind went sighing over the land,
Tossing the grasses to and fro,
And a rainbow held out its shining hand,
So what could I do but laugh and go?

Actually, I weeded the garden and watered and mowed. It's finally fall in Florida. The temperatures have dropped into the 80's and the humidity has fallen as well. It is wonderful to be outside enjoying this beautiful world!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today I am writing about one of my students. He is often in trouble. In fact, he has already been suspended from school this year. He has terrible penmanship. He is always in my face. He yells out answers. He is super smart, although you would never know it from that state of his handwriting. Nor would  would  know it from the state of his grades, which are fair to middlin' because he is always the very first one done. Recently, I told him that he couldn't go on the computer because he hadn't scored well enough on his test. He told me to give it back to him. A few minutes later, he turned in great work.  Not the ideal student, nevertheless, there is something endearing about this kid. He  makes me laugh, although he doesn't seem to understand when I received this note:img008

Monday, September 22, 2008

back in the old days

when someone talked about a graphic novel, it was something to stay away "porno"graphic novel. Not the kind of book that I would ever imagine myself reading. But graphic novels have apparently been around since the days when people had nothing to write on but caves. The term has been popularized for the past thirty years or so, which means that I am not exactly on the cutting edge of the genre. I read my first one this weekend. In fact, I had never even read a comic book, so the whole experience was pretty interesting for me. This book would be particularly good for girls between the ages of 7 and 14, depending on their reading ability and if they are into the fairytale/fantasy genre, which I am not. Nevertheless, I did enjoy how the pictures and the story line worked for change!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

do you see what i saw?


DSC02643Looking out my kitchen window...I saw, this woodpecker.

I learned from that "Woodpeckers communicate by “drumming” — finding a resonant branch and tapping rapidly in a unique pattern. Drumming woodpeckers are not excavating or obtaining food, but sending a signal their territory is occupied or that they are searching for a mate."

I often hear woodpeckers, but seldom see them, so I was  delighted to be able to capture a few pictures.

Friday, September 19, 2008

ray and patti teets

CIMG4759 Doug and I were invited to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of Ray and Patti. I enjoyed learning more about this great couple. For instance, I was amazed to find out that they were married on Patti's 16th birthday!  I have admired Ray ever since I worked in Primary. He was a wonderful teacher!

It was a privilege to join in their special celebration.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

websites that have made my life easier

All of these great tips have initially come from my librarian daughter, Tricia. Try them! You might love them too!!!

For composing blogs: Windows Live Writer

A great homepage: Netvibes--

GoogleReader for checking updated blogs:

And finally the newest find for telling you when books are due or in for pickup:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

when you need a quick dessert


Go to the grocery store and buy an angel food cake, or in this case, 3.

Buy a carton of real whipped cream, chocolate ice cream and a candy bar.

Make a ditch in the cake and fill it with the ice cream, frost it with the whipped cream and shave the chocolate bar on the top.

Having three helpers aids with the prep time and getting it to the destination!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

september in the garden


My friend Meems, who doesn't know that she is my friend, composes a piece every month about what is blooming in her garden. I decided to try her tradition. September is a month of celebration for those plants that endured and anticipation of new occupants. So here are the hardy which seem more beautiful than ever toDSC02601 me:

The roses have taken a serious hit this year because the Surinam Cherry Bush has gotten so big as to block out most of the required eight hours of sunlight needed for a successful rose garden. However, this true performer carries on in spite of the lack of attention and care that she was previously used to. DSC02636 DSC02620DSC02638

The purple coneflowers has brought me joy all summer long with the numerous varieties of butterflies that have come to pay a visit.


DSC02616The lazy Susan's wake up late every day and go to bed early, but for the better part of the day their bright and sunny faces bask in the sun. For some reason, pictures don't seem to capture their essence.

DSC02626When we purchased this house, the owners had a small vase of these self-seeding impatiens on the table. I have yet to see a time when these flowers weren't blooming. This year I have let them take over several spots. DSC02636 DSC02610DSC02609 DSC02604
I bought this Beauty Berry plant at the Mt. Dora plant show last November. It was a tiny thing then. Now over six feet tall and the berries for the birds are beginning to turn purple. It has been very exciting to watch each development and I am wondering who will enjoy the feast?

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DSC02619I have chives growing in four of my herb gardens. I had been a little disappointed that none of them every bloomed and then this summer the northwest growers gave me joy. I'll bet her sister plants are jealous!

And for the finale!

DSC02621The orchid is back with no less than seven blooms this time! Isn't she lovely?

Monday, September 15, 2008

petrol crisis

DSC02556 DSC02560 We arrived in NC with 16 miles worth of gas in the tank. Shortly thereafter, by virtue of demand, the public created a gas crisis, during which the stations obliged by charging up to $5.10 per gallon. We depended on the Tricia's family for rides and waited a couple of days for the hysteria to resolve. Ultimately, we ended up paying $3.89, and sad day,  had to head for home.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



I was tracking the hummingbirds at Tricia's house trying to get a picture on our last trip to NC without success. This trip however, the birds were DSC02575 much more photo friendly. We especially enjoyed watching them at dusk. Can you see this guy in the top picture against the bricks?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

courtney's baptism


After her dad baptized her, she paused and looked right at all who were there to witness this wonderful event...beautiful Courtney...


Full of Light and Love!

She changed her clothes, and then, she came forward to bear her testimony, sharing with us all her resolve in the commitment to take upon her the name of Jesus Christ...

renewing in our hearts the joy that we have had in doing the same, or

inspiring the younger ones to follow in her footsteps.

There are not words to express the joy of this day!

Friday, September 12, 2008

fun with the little ones


Carter's teeth are beginning to fall out. I love pulling loose teeth. In fact, I begged to pull his loose tooth! So he submitted to the experience and was $2 wealthier the next morning. Did you know that the tooth fairy uses teeth to build fairy houses? I had no idea!


JB aka Jibbie's gene pool is inhabited largely by genes from his grandpa Bruce with at least one exception. The cowlick! So I can claim him too!


Bella, my one and only brown-eyed granddaughter,  happens to have brown eyes just like her mom and nana and great-grandmother too! She doesn't call me Nana like everyone else does though. She calls me Neeee na! More like...

Neee na! Neeena! Neeena! Neeena! Neeena! Neeena! Neeena! bedtime. And then I beg her mom, who, being the truly understanding daughter that she is, immediately gives me permission to go to her bedroom. At that point my brown-eyed granddaughter, who never is still for more than 15 seconds at a time, let's me rock her and rock her and rock her. I am in heaven!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Saturday, September 06, 2008

groundbreaking event

imageLike waiting for a missionary, our stake center ground breaking has been two years in the making.  It was a day that begins the anticipated promises.DSC02375 The remarks were moving and I felt a lump in my throat as I rejoiced with others, many of  whom  have waited much longer than I. The five acre property was purchased nearly two decades ago by those with a hope and dream.

DSC02421 - CopyThe next  generation of youth including my own daughter will enjoy the benefits of that vision. Doug spoke about his own memories growing up--waiting for a chapel to be built. He reminded us that although the place is not important in the eternal scheme of things, it is a blessing nonetheless.

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My own experience under the tent this morning returned my thoughts to the early Saints who met in tents and groves and many other similar places for the joy of hearing the word.  I didn't mind that the microphone didn't work. I also tried to cope as graciously as possible with the morning heat and insects as I counted some of the blessings of being born in this generation of Saints.

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The leadership of the project and the leadership of the stake have worked diligently to see this day come to pass.DSC02466 - Copy

Most importantly, families of faith will continue their work and commitment to build souls from within, as this latter day edifice begins to shine forth.

Friday, September 05, 2008

a time to mourn

My dear friend's husband died unexpectedly this week. I am sad, very sad. Ron Teeples was an academic scholar, but he was also a gospel scholar. I enjoyed him in the latter role. Gospel discussions were sure to include history lessons as well. For anyone lucky enough to sit in a class where he sat, he would almost certainly be called upon to share his expertise for our benefit. Although he often seemed almost shy about it.

I was only marginally aware of his academic pursuits and his love of jazz music. But I do know that he chose a wonderful woman to stand by his side in time and eternity. Time is fragile, something well worth remembering. Eternity is a blessing.

How grateful I am for the plan of salvation and for the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is sweet peace knowing that they will eventually be together forever. I am grateful that

"that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory"                Doctrine and Covenants 130:2

Still I mourn, but gratefully not without a brightness hope.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

tennis anyone

DSC02348 Linda Teets invited me to join her tennis class. I went on Monday morning. After class the teacher suggested a new pair of shoes. They are real tennis shoes! With the herring bone pattern on the soles.


Then I decided that I should wear something to class besides jean shorts and a t-shirt, so I made a trip to Target.



I was exhausted and sore after class on Monday. I determined that I didn't want to feel like that ever again so I just had to keep on going to class. Even with my resolve firmly in mind, I was nervous tonight. It wasn't as humid; it wasn't as hot. And I was dressed for success! or so my coach and friends told me. I hope to continue to improve. Alison, Roxanne and Linda are so positive and our coach Steve is very helpful. Linda was  right. It is great exercise and lots of fun.

We took a sweaty picture of the four of us after class.    Maybe we should try that again before class next time!