My husband is the best. Really.
He took care of everything so I could go to Argentina by myself for NINE. WHOLE. DAYS.
Thankfully, I slept on the flight last night the best I have ever slept going to Argentina. Usually when we arrive, I'm half-zombie and ready for nothing but a nap. But today that wasn't an option.
Because I walked right in to Missionary Leadership Council (formerly Zone Leader Council). And my mom put me on the docket on the fly. And the next thing I knew, I was in a dress and leading a discussion on how to plan effectively and deal with the unexpected....which was unexpected. My mom says I told a funny story--in actuality, it was the story of my life. I had given Dan a typed of list of where to be and when to be there. He looked at me incredulously and said, "Do the kids really have to go to school?"
This is what Mission Leadership Council looks like:
After we said goodbye to most of the missionaries, we went out back and Elder Morgan gave my dad a hair cut. We had stopped by his salon in Knoxville to try and meet his mom back in January, but she was off that day. The resident cats provided us with lots of entertainment--hissing at me and cozying up to my dad.
And then the doorbell rang. And in came the father of one of the missionaries currently serving from Chile. He brought my parents a beautiful piece of artwork depicting Lehi's vision. Not only was it incredibly generous, it was so nice to see him take time to stop in to see my parents while he was in Buenos Aires on business. And how tough for him to know how close he is to his son (in fact, he had just missed him at Missionary Leadership Council) but he cannot see him. Sometimes being obedient kind of rips your heart out.
And after all that long day, we changed clothes and went out for fajitas to Maria Felix.