Sunday, August 26, 2007

notes from stake conference

  • someday really means not this day
  • reverence for the Lord means serving other and treating them with respect
  • we can be faithful over a few things
  • understanding our diving nature influences how we feel about our Heavenly Father and how we relate to other around us
  • we must be "kind and dear"
  • train your minds and your hands
  • refine the quality of mercy
  • DC 105:35 - There has been a day of calling, but the time has come for a day of choosing;
  • rely utterly on the Lord and have confidence in Him
  • uncomplicate our lives
  • we have always had the darkness, wars etc that we have now
  • DC 121:26-31 God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit...
  • never fear scholarship
  • 85% of the people on earth have lived since 1820
  • shall we not go forward in so great a cause?
  • virtue means being true to our divine nature
  • imagination helps us see the possibilities
  • is our imagination strengthening and edifying vs being led away by wicked imaginations
  • happiness of your life is dependant on the quality of your thoughts
  • the mind can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven (from Paradise Lost)

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