Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'll leave it to Cherylyn to share the details of this week. Let's just say that when they hooked her up to the blood machine today, I had to steel myself. She also entertained me by counting needle pricks in her arms.

Clark has been delightful. Brianna has been a fabulous entertainer. I did take him shopping for some preemie clothes for his brother yesterday. He entertained the store clerk, correctly identifying colors and counting articles of clothing. She asked me what his dad did for a living, since clearly, here was an extraordinarly gifted and talented child. I said he is a lawyer, to which she nodded sagely. What I really wanted to do was tell her that his mom is no dummy either!

1 comment:

Megan Berge said...

Clark is SOOO funny! He is such a charmer!
