Friday, September 11, 2009

land that i love


On THE September 11 were living in Buenos Aires. I had just finished a lesson with my Spanish tutor when the phone rang. Doug told me that a plane had run into one of the towers in New York. Hardly believing that it was possible, I asked if it was terrorists? Yes, he answered, they think so. And so began a day and many days of mourning.

But our Argentine friends and acquaintances expressed such an outpouring of love and compassion towards us that I was deeply moved. Once when asked what it made me feel like, I said that I just wished I could fly an America flag. Sadly, they strongly recommended that I not do that.  A few weeks later though, we were able to attend a wonderful memorial service at the American Embassy downtown.

Nowadays,  it is always a pleasure to adorn our home with the symbol of this wonderful country. God bless America.

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