Wednesday, September 08, 2010

engine 2

When Tricia recently figured out that cow's milk was giving her heartburn, it prompted me to have a better look at my own diet. In an article about John Mackey, the Whole Foods CEO, he referenced the Engine 2 Diet, so I requested a copy from my local library.

Although Rip didn't convince me to become a vegan, nor even a vegetarian, inspite of the quoted facts, he did convince me that I need ALOT more grains, fruits and vegetables in my diet.

I am a huge fan of a breakfast recipe called Rip's Big Bowl. I like how he included quite a few recipes in his book. I am now geocaching my way through Publix looking for and finding items that I never noticed before.

The library book will be due back soon, but I ordered a personal copy on that I can tear apart and use. This diet coincides with the counsel Joseph Smith revealed and recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants more than 100 years ago, including giving up alcohol and coffee. Since foodie fads come and go, I  feel good about incorporating ones that closely mirror my beliefs, as this one does, into my lifestyle.

1 comment:

Kirstie said...

I love finding new healthy foods in books!!!!