Sunday, October 17, 2010

swinging my arm

photo6 My homework from the physical therapist this weekend was to learn how walk again. It is amazing that I could have been walking for 56 years now and in a matter of 7 weeks, my body has apparently forgotten how it is done. Or rather, it is amazing the accommodations my body has made to protect my injured arm. For example, my arm no longer swings.
Being more than a little paranoid and nervous these days, I am not happy to walk just anywhere. However, there is a beautiful place  downtown, the Eustis Lake Walk, and it is just a couple of miles away.photo2
Brianna went with me the first three days, coaching me and encouraging me. Sunday evening just before sundown, photo3Doug joined me. I was sad that I hadn’t brought my camera along, but he had his phone and captured the essence of the spectacular fall evening.

It almost seemed like a movie scene, with various choreographed actors perfectly playing their parts…lovers chatting on the sea wall,  a group of bongo players jamming in the gazebo, fisherpeople, cheerleaders practicing their routines on the bandshell stage, parents swinging kids on the small playground, a large group of teenagers playing that funny ninja game, lounge abouters and me…
“Swing a little more backwards,” he says.
photo1 “Will you take a picture of that bird on the roof?” I answer.

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