Saturday, April 16, 2011

to and from georgia

I drove half way to Charlotte, North Carolina  today and then turned around and drove home. The good news is that I drove home with two thirds of the attendees of grandkid camp. After we had dinner in Jacksonville, I gave the kids the opportunity to get home sooner or go to the beach for a little while. Not surprisingly, they took the beach option. It was the perfect driving break for me, watching them play as the sun set this evening. DSC00333









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When we did arrive at the house, Courtney looked at me and smiled and said, “I love being at the Birdhouse!” She and Carter then had a conversation trying to figure out how many times they have been here over the years. I think they decided on 45.

1 comment:

Megan said...

precious! they are such sweet kids and growing up so fast. im sure this grandkid camp will be bittersweet for the birdhouse.