Friday, February 13, 2015

valentine preparations

What could be better than having more boys around on Valentines? IMG_0159The boys were working away on their cards except when they were running after squirrels or checking out the status of the fort!


We had a few essentials that we needed at the grocery store.


We met Papa at his office and after a quick tour, he took us for lunch at Duffys. There are more screens in this restaurant than there are in a regular tv store.

IMG_0174IMG_0175And…IMG_0177I am pretty sure…IMG_0176that the boys all got enough to eat!

Then it was back to the house and we made heart-shaped donuts!


We had our very own Elliot of liberty pulling down the candy decorations!IMG_0188

Then Mary watched the boys while Doug and I went to see Chris Botti.

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