Tuesday, November 25, 2008

loving our time with the seguines

DSCN6039  Oh my goodness. We decided to play tennis this morning. It was freezing cold, actually it wasn't quite freezing. It was 39 degrees. And the courts were wet from the rainstorm last night. Not one to be dissuaded by these minor inconveniences, we went back to Tricia's house and got a broom. I brushed the courts and then ran a spongy moppy thingy over the courts and called it good enough. After we had been playing for about half and hour these very hip and trendy ladies showed up and told us that they had reserved court 1, but it was wet, so they wanted our court, which was court 3.


Then they said it was for their league game and it was very important.


Well...since we weren't on their reserved court and since we had spent quite a bit of time making our court play ready and since our family is just as important in my opinion as their league, we told them no. And recommended that they mop up their own court. After some more minutes went by another one of the league players came over with the same request and received the same response.

I did find it interesting that only three players showed up for their league game. I also found it interesting that they were not willing to do what we had done to make their court playable. Also, by that time, it was warming up and the sun was doing most of the work, had they stuck around for another 2DSCN60350 minutes or so.

Tricia, Dan, Doug, Brianna and I had a great time. Jonah and Bella played on their tricycles and on the playground. Their little cheeks were so red. It was adorable!


Then we opted to follow Tricia's advice of how to be the grandparents of the year. We went to McDonalds and picked up a couple of happy meals. We showed up to Socrates Academy in time to spend lunch with Carter


and Courtney.

You know what I loved about Carter's teacher, Ms. Stainback? She lives with her grandparents! Yeah for Nanas and Papas. They were visiting in class too this afternoon. Maybe our grandkids will live with us for a while someday!?!


Melody said...

I love you for many reasons. But, I just LOVE that you don't have a problem standing your ground! You go, Debbie!

Jordan Mathews said...

Awwwwww, that is so cute they have grown up so much!

Mary said...

Sounds like you are having a great time up there.
That was really brave of you doing what you did. I probably would have given in.

Ashlea said...

As I was reading I was thinking, "what are they gonna do about these people?" Then as I read on I was not shocked. "It's the Carters, they'll do the right thing." Way to stand your ground!!

debbie said...

I would have coward like a spineless jelly fish. But you're right your family is just as important. You go girl! The only thing that would have made it better is if Brianna would have seen it as an entrpreneurial situation and told them she would clean their court for cash. Their lucky you didn't clean their clocks.