Monday, December 31, 2012

Everything closes down in Argentina for holidays. So we just enjoyed hanging out together, playing games and chatting. My mom, dad, Dan and I made it out for some tennis in the afternoon which is always fun.

We wanted to go down to the river to watch the fireworks at midnight. It was so windy we didn't dare take our own fireworks to shoot off. Our remaining ladybugs will have to wait for a future trip.

Right at midnight, we could look down the river and see the city of Buenos Aires erupting in fireworks. Meanwhile, fireworks were going off all around us too. It was such a happy celebration and an incredible display all over the city. Fireworks are totally legal, even in the city, so there were also lots of fire engine sirens going off after midnight too.

It seems hard to believe that it could be this cold after the heat that we experienced just a week ago on Christmas Eve. It was cold tonight!

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