I have this de cluttering project going on at my house. It is one of those internet inspirations that I am working on with my married girls and we are committed to motivating each other. The first projects are in the kitchen, but since I recently organized my kitchen, it is not much of a project at the moment. However, further on in the year, I will have to take on the garage and my garage needs some serious help. With that in mind, Brianna and I have been doing some pre-projects out there.
Today I found a couple of boxes with old pamphlets from our travels and various notes. We pulled out the things I wanted and set the rest in the pile for the dump. However, it was pretty cold and we decided to move to the house for the second box. I had only just begun when I screamed and slammed the lid shut. Brianna kind of laughed and asked me what happened. I told her there was a SNAKE in the box.
Next I called Doug, practically hysterical! I now have a snake in a box in my house!!! Of course, he insisted that we get the box out of the house. I can’t even go near the box, but Brianna said she would do it. Mind you, Brianna, who wont even touch a piece of plastic with a dead spider on it is willing to pick up a box with a live snake inside.
Eventually I called animal control and was informed that they don’t do snakes. I told Doug he had to come home and kill it.
Brianna and I stood on the porch and watched over the box for half an hour while we waited for Doug.
He came home and did his manly deed. First he shot a hole in the side of the box, I guess hoping to hit the snake. However, the snake escaped the box. I was screaming there it is! when Doug shot off his head.
After all, it turns out that it was a yellow rat snake…A poor harmless snake, and not a pygmy rattlesnake like the last one I came across in my garden.

The truth is that I just don’t feel comfortable with any kind of snakes around.