Wednesday, December 01, 2010

key relationships

President Uchtdorf suggested in conference four key relationships as we determine what matters most. The fourth being the relationship with ourselves. He suggested getting to know ourselves better and one of the ways mentioned was to enjoy God’s creations. It has truly been a pleasure to follow his advice by watching the twins that have been showing up with their mother in my garden every day.


They haven’t learned the stealth of their mama. They are little puffs of fur that bounce and prance. They do all kinds of gymnastics getting themselves onto and off of the glider. Mama entertains them switching her tail for them to grab while they wait for their own turns licking at the hose.


It is very tricky trying to get a picture of these wild cats, since they scamper away the minute the door of the house is opened. I had to take these pictures through the glass.DSC09805


Mama has been hanging out near the house for a long time. I hope she has found someplace safe and warm for the three of them since the weather is going to be getting much colder.

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