I have been so excited looking forward to meeting, in person, Sister Alencar. She has been my Spanish tutor for the past five months. She has also been the Preach My Gospel tutor for Doug and I.
I have met with her three times a week for Spanish and once a week for Preach My Gospel. Suffice it to say that she has been a very important person to me, and literally between my lessons and my homework, time with her and preparing for time with her has pretty much taken over my discretionary time.
I have been the recipient of her prayers, her teaching and her love. She has been the catalyst through which the Holy Ghost has been able to work to teach me Spanish. After so many years of trying with little success, I have been very blessed.
My response to meeting her was a very emotional one. I believe that I finally understand why families love the missionaries that teach them the gospel and honor them their whole lives. I will always love her.
We chatted in English for about half an hour, which was totally weird! but Melanie was with us and we didn’t want to be rude. Then she told me that we would keep in touch, which brought me comfort. I look forward to continuing to learn in Argentina and sharing it with her.

*The first picture was taken later when I asked Doug to walk with me over to where the tutors work so that I could take a picture. I hadn’t expected to find my very own tutor there, but I did!