Thursday, May 31, 2007
girls camp

Saturday, May 26, 2007
photo op
Monday, May 21, 2007
happy mother's day to me!
Well, in spite of the fact that I am NOT his mother...a fact that he reminds me of every mother's day...
Dan and Doug and I went on a Saturday night shopping trip to mall with a gift idea for Tricia for Mother's Day. We spent most of our time in Anthropologie and in addition to Dan's gifts for Tricia, Doug bought me two tops to be worn together. They were NOT in sale room, which is against my Anthropologie shopping rules, but they are adorable and he is wonderful!
She ordered a present for me that didn't show up, and instead gave me

On the Friday we left for NC the children in my class brought flowers to school with notes. It was a beautiful gesture to thank me for being their teacher. I was very sad to leave the flowers behind. Also sad, was thinking about the lilies in my garden just ready to bloom and knowing that I would miss the best of them. I mentioned it to Melanie and then on Mother's Day she had a beautiful bouquet of lilies delivered to me via Tricia. I enjoyed them every day! Tonight I saw this great lily watercolor that reminds me of my beautiful flowers...maybe I will even try to paint it this summer! Cherylyn:
She remembered that I have wanted this great kitchen item for ages! Yeah, no more fretting when I run out of parchment paper.Brianna:
Brought me breakfast in bed and a cute picture that they had taken of her in primary.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
dinner guests

Thursday, May 03, 2007

National D.A.R.E. Day Proclamation
Every year the President of the United States declares a National D.A.R.E. Day.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 12, 2007, as National D.A.R.E. Day.
I urge all young people to make good decisions and call upon all Americans to recognize our collective responsibility to combat every form of drug abuse and to support all those who work to help our children avoid drug use and violence.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
my balancing act
I went out on the Carter Cruiser with my husband, who had a humming chain saw in one hand and was steering with the other. He decided that it was time to cut some of the dead wood off of a tree that had fallen in the lake during the hurricanes a couple of years ago. Since the lake is very low right now many branches are exposed, so it is a good opportunity.
While Doug wields the chain saw, I sit and try to protect myself from the flying sawdust. I am not there for moral support, nor necessarily for help, although at times I can be quite helpful. I am really there just to help balance the Carter Cruiser while he works.
Since the brances are many pronged, we then work together to try to negotiate our way out of the fallen treetops with the newly cut branch in hand. This is often tricky. At one point Doug said to me, "Careful."
"Careful?" I questioned.
He then replied, "What I guess I really mean is watch out."
I don't have many options for watching out since I am sitting in a molded seat. Only once today did a branch actually fall on my head. But, it was a little one.
This tree that has basically been submerged for the better part of the past few years smells really horrific and it weighs substantially more than it would had it not been soaking up water all that time. It is quite an undertaking and I sometimes feel like I am in one of those adventure movies hacking my way through a jungle...
...surely there must be a hidden treasure somewhere.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
my artist