Wednesday, November 10, 2010

colorful competition

I recently read a book about how we make decisions.  All the resources in my brain must have been working furiously (since I hate driving and love to be with my grandkids) when I decided to go to North Carolina so that I could tend the little ones…

I made the first part of the journey last night to St. Augustine and spent the evening with my brother to knock off the first two hours of the trip.

I woke up early and began my journey north, wending my way across the bridges of Jacksonville at sunrise and before the morning commuters were on their ways. The next couple of hours were challenging because the fog had rolled in off the coast of Georgia and settled on the I-95. South Carolina is the longest part of the journey and it was with a grateful heart that I was able to finally see well past where I would be in two seconds time. I put in my book on CD and continued onward.

It was the last hour and a half, normally the least interesting part of the drive, when I experienced this tender mercy: DSC09712

Fall has come late to the Carolinas and blessedly made the final stretch the best of all.

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Every bend in the road revealing vistas as beautiful as the previous ones.

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