Saturday, July 23, 2011

the tren

DSC01651Brianna went on the train to “Capital” the other night, with a group of friends from school,  to see the Harry Potter movie. We have a station just a couple of blocks from the house. With that successful experience in her repertoire, she and I decided to venture over to the next suburb, San Isidro, for a little bit of shopping this sunny and warm afternoon. Sunny and warm meaning 55 degrees.


It was awesome. San Isidro is the next stop and including our walking time to the station, I think it only took us about 12 minutes to get there. We can’t even do it that fast in the car!

San Isidro is a town built with cobblestone streets, which is a picturesque, but  bumpy, ride. The train, however, wasn’t bumpy, or I should say…wasn’t too bumpy, or in any scenario, wasn’t as bumpy as the road. It costs about 25 cents to ride the train and we have plans to spend it again on Tuesday.

1 comment:

debbie said...

wow! so proud of you for facing more fears!