This morning, most of us walked to the train and took it one stop to San Isidro. There we walked a couple of blocks and purchased medialunas and bread at the Hausbrot Bakery. All of their products are made with whole wheat and are completely natural and taste amazing! Then we walked back to the fruit and vegetable market called El Campo and bought various fresh fruits. After our short train ride home, we enjoyed eating our purchases.
The kids worked on their homework for a little while after breakfast.
We called the gymnastics coach that I had arranged a meeting with the other day and wrote about here. Apparently, my contact forgot to mention to him that he had this private lesson today. Nevertheless, he told us to come along.
One of the surprises about River Stadium is the fact that it houses a school. The rooms underneath the stadium are the classrooms and there are quite a few physical education rooms, as well.

It turns out that the coach, Jorge, has been coaching elite gymnastics for girls and has worked with the Argentine Olympians for the past 16 years.

Carter got quite the practice session with him today.

Afterwards, he told us that the facility where the elite gymnasts train is much nicer and invited Carter to train there on Thursday. Jorge couldn’t have been nicer or more helpful.
We had Izzy with us, but Jonah and Courtney had gone with Papa to the mission offices. I was worried that they might be dying of boredom. That couldn’t have been farther from the truth. There were quite a few missionaries in for interviews and they loved chatting with the kids while they were waiting their turn.
By now, we had to have two remises to take us all back to the house since Papa wasn’t ready to leave. We went the back way along the autopista Buen Ayre. It is not very densely populated along that route and so there are lots of trees and grass fields. It was a beautiful drive as dusk fell.
Later that night, we had ice cream delivered—a kilo of chocolate and a half kilo of lemon, but, of course, with 9 ice cream lovers in the house there was nothing leftover.