I like having company for several reasons. We seem to get jobs done that have been hanging around the low end of the priority list for a while. Having the high council party at the beginning of December is a bonus because the lights go up and the house gets decorated for Christmas. These things did happen at our house before Doug was called to be the stake president and I have every reason to believe that they will happen after he is released. But I do like knowing (this year for example) that it will all be done by December 7.
My mom is coming this week--December 18 to be exact. The house has been decorated, since December 7 as I mentioned and it is "pretty clean." But then I got to thinking how I had never finished making the draperies for the room that she will be staying in. We've lived here six years now and surely I must have had time to finish that job at some point. But I haven't. So I decided this would be a good time to make that happen.
The matching twins on the other wall.
We have actually done many projects since my mom last visited. She will see them admire them all with enthusiasm. I don't know if she will notice the draperies or not. In any case, it has given me pleasure to finish them in honor of her visit.
WWJS? A daughter who is glad she came to visit. A daughter who is grateful for a righteous mother who's legacy of faith is currently touching the lives of three generations. I feel sure He'll like seeing that.
Wow! I really enjoyed that blog.
What a neat blog, Debbie. Thank You!
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