Some herbs are like snow birds that go away for the winter. They are making preparations for their return.
Some herbs like the tarragon on the left, I thought that I had lost in the freeze, and would have pulled out if I had had the time. Luckily for me, I didn't and lo, it survives looking heartier than ever. Other herbs like the dill on the right have been steady performers all winter long unfazed by the extremes in temperature.

I am changing my cutting garden to a butterfly garden this year.
This palm has such interesting flowers.
The faithful Easter lilies are making their annual appearance once again behind the geraniums.

I thought this was some kind of night blooming jasmine, but now I am not very sure about that.
This is my poor sad garden. It should be planted by now :(
All those leaves that never fell in the fall have to go somewhere now that spring is here with her new dress.

Doug and I took a walk yesterday down to the lake and saw this tangerine tree. The tangerines look like deflated balloons--the innards all gone. Can you see the cardinal on the upper right side of the photo? When I went back this morning to take the picture, I was amused to watch this guy enjoy his tangerine juice for breakfast. How easily he is hidden looking so similar to the fruit.
The azalea bush has outdone herself once again.
These are the bulbs that grow wild on our property.

These are the ones that I buy at the grocery store that remind of other places in my life.