Thursday, March 19, 2009

739 random facts

Carter Clips turned 3 years old today. While pondering about my milestone in bloggdom, I remembered Jacob's comment in the Book of Mormon. "...the time passed away with us, and also our lives passed away like as it were unto us a dream." My personal record of the dream that now tallies 739 posts.

My blog DSC04416

is mostly about the happy things in my life--the moments that bring me joy from day to day. I am grateful for this venue to


recount and remember and appreciate again. blogger_logo


papasmallows said...

Happy Birthday blogging dear wife of mine. I have loved all your blogs!

Melody said...

I love that I am blessed enough to be a part of your life. Also, I'm glad that you got me blogging. Thank you.

Rae said...

Happy blogiversary! I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your wonderful family!!

SpaceyKasey said...

I'm grateful for this venue FOR you...I love reading your blog.