Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 scripture study program,18744,312053,00.pdf

Our stake is not  printing the scripture study booklets this year, however, you are welcome to download it from the above link and print your own.


From the booklet:

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In the Book of Mormon, Nephi explains that the brass
plates, recovered in Jerusalem from Laban, contained the
writings of many of the ancient prophets, including the
prophet Isaiah.
Although the words of Isaiah and other Old Testament
prophets often may seem difficult to understand, they
testify of the coming of the Savior of the world, Jesus
Christ and are necessary if we are to fully comprehend the
plan of our Heavenly Father. Nephi declared: “And now I,
Nephi, write more of the words of Isaiah, for my soul
delighteth in his words. For I will liken his words unto my
people…” Nephi taught his people in plainness, knowing
that the words of Isaiah would be difficult to understand
“save it be that they are taught after the manner of the
things of the Jews.”
This declaration sheds light on the importance of studying
both the Old Testament of the Bible that we may learn the
things of the Jews and better understand the prophecies of
Isaiah and other ancient prophets. In so doing, we will gain
a greater understanding of the promised Messiah and His
sacred calling and infinite atoning sacrifice.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
This reading program is designed to help you by providing
a specific outline of consistent scripture reading that will
enhance your study of the gospel throughout 2010. We
encourage all members to participate in this reading
program or another program of your own design that
provides daily immersion in the scriptures. If you choose
to follow this program you will read the entire Book of
Mormon, The Old Testament, Gospel Principles lessons 1
thru 24 (third hour course of study for 2009), and the
General Conference talks for April and October 2010. This
program requires an average of three or four pages of
reading on a daily basis. Consistent study of the scriptures
and the words of both ancient and modern prophets will
guide us along the path of righteousness and bless us with
the Spirit on a daily basis. May the Lord bless you in this
endeavor is our prayer.
Faithfully Yours,
Douglas B. Carter
Clair G. Erickson
W. Michael Ingalls
Leesburg Florida Stake Presidency


Christy said...

Thank you! I've been looking forward to this. Happy new year!

Cherished Moments Turned Into Family Memories said...

Your stake presidency has saved me for the last 2 or 3 years. Love this program. Thanks for always being willing to share. Happy New Year!

SpaceyKasey said...

Thank you for posting the link! Paris and I still follow along with the Leesburg Stake. muchas Gracias.