Tuesday, January 25, 2011

finishing up

Clear back in August when we returned home from our trip to North Carolina, we discovered a leak that ruined some of the wallpaper in the downstairs bathroom.DSC09986

I was very fortunate that they still make that wallpaper and ordered it from a local supplier. In the meantime, I fell out of bed, and we know where that story ends.

But the following week, Doug carried on with his part of the project and replastered the wall. He came walking in with the air of satisfaction and announced that the walls would be ready for me to paper after drying for a couple of days.

I replied that I would be thrilled to do that…IF ONLY it were possible. Ohhhhh yeah, he muttered.

September, October, November, December, January

It was exercise and exhausting, but the sense of accomplishment was enormous, for me personally as well as for the project itself.DSC09987

And I only need a little bit of help.

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