Thursday, September 28, 2006

my strange school day

I received this note from a parent today:
[My child] was too tired to do his homework last night. I did it for him after he went to bed. (And she did. It was all in her writing.)

After lunch:
The lunch aide told me that a child in my class threw up after lunch today, so she sent him to the nurse.

About 15 minutes later the child comes back to class with a note that says that they cannot get hold of the parent, and he seems fine now so they are sending him back to class.

I send a note back to the nurse with the child that says the whole class does not want the flu so he needs to stay in the office.

She sends a note back to me that says that if he is going to stay in the office, I need to send work for him to do.

I did.

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