Last night Chezzie called us just before 11:00pm. She was worried about our well-being. That would be because she was watching a tornado drive up 441. Of course, we were aware that quite a storm was going on. Doug had only come from church meeting just half an hour before. But we were not aware of the strength and magnitude of this particular storm. Cherylyn mentioned that it was throwing down rain at the rate of 13 inches an hour. Thankfully, it did not rain for an hour, but we did get a significant amount of rain. The tornado landed just a few miles from our home. Doug walked the 10 block path of destruction and devastation this morning. He chatted with our senator (who told him that he was supporting Mitt Romney, btw). Since the cleanup efforts were well in hand they decided that the church would not send a team. In spite of the fact that 50 homes were damaged including 30 that are uninhabitable, no one was hurt. That was a blessing.
Glad you were safe!
Two in one year for Eustis! Wow!
Craziness!!!! Yeah for safety at the Birdhouse.
We heard about your close call from Mel, and are glad you were safe.
We are so glad that you are all safe.
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