So, it is Monday of Spring Break. I should be doing something really exciting, but in actuality, I did things like pick up the house, vacuum, laundry and paperwork. Amongst the paperwork was the renewal...all online...for the driver license. My Florida driver license is 12 years old. Especially rude sales personnel tell me a)how old my license is and b)that I don't look anything like that anymore. I have also had to cope with a "sticker" on the back of my license ever since we moved back from Argentina, which always adds to the confusion whenever someone actually has to see my license. So I decided to tough it out and go to the DMV this afternoon. First, I checked online to see where my closest office was located and the hours. I noticed that you can get an appointment online and fill out the paperwork, which I did. My appointment was for 3:15pm this afternoon. I arrived at the appointed time with my passport and SS card on my person as requested. Apart from the fact that they never asked to see these documents, which were mildly annoying to come up with, it was an uneventful experience. I left the DMV at 3:23pm with my new license in hand! Can you believe that? 8 minutes! And I don't expect to hear from them again until 2014.

Afterward, I went to the grocery store. I think there is something a little bit romantic about going to the store and buying all the ingredients that you will need to make dinner that night. It was a beautiful evening and my windows and doors were open to enjoy the loveliness. However, after I started to make the preparations, we had a cloudburst, which somehow only added to the nostalgia of the moment. It was a delicious dinner. It is from this month's Southern Living Magazine called
Tomato-Herb Pasta . I highly recommend it.
Tonight, well, after Family Home Evening, I plan to watch Sense and Sensibility, part one.
For a Monday--not bad at all!
I really dislike the DMV. But I do love Sense and Sensibility! Sounds like a perfect night.
You are so brave posting a DMV photo.
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