Wednesday, April 02, 2008

cheers for B

Brianna just finished her first year of Florida Virtual School Advanced Math. She finished with 99.04% in the class. Her teacher called me yesterday to say that she thought Brianna ought to skip Math II and go straight to Math III. I told her that Brianna had to work very hard to keep her math grade and she does every extra credit assignment as well. It has been a lot of hard work and tears at times but she has done very, very well. Following is the note she received from her teacher today on the final exam:


WOW! You need to give yourself a pat on the back! You just finished a very challenging task. The exam consisted of concepts from 4 modules and you were able to successfully answers questions on all those wonderful concepts=)

You should be so proud of yourself!

Mrs. Dahlquist

glitter -


Brianna said...

Thanks mom! Yes it was a lot of hard work.....but i am so glad i finished with an almost 100! Thank you mom!

Tricia said...

Nice job Bon.

Melody said...

Good job Brianna!