That got me to thinking about the first talk that she ever gave in church. That was in junior primary in the Coral Springs Ward and the Pompano Beach Stake in south Florida. She had only been living with us a few months and was still having a hard time sitting quietly in Sacrament meeting. She was three, and she was a Sunbeam. She said the words to a little known primary song called God's Love. I had printed pictures from the internet to show the children and remind Brianna of the various parts of her talk. She had memorized it. It was wonderful.
Her testimony has grown and it is a blessing to see her in YW striving to do her best and continuing to broaden her knowledge of the Gospel. It is wonderful!
What a tender memory.
Brianna's so amazing. Would that we could have youth programs full of Briannas!
I thought the talk was great, or at least what I got to hear of it!
Good job Brianna, we miss you in primary.
I wish I could have been there to hear it! Cute hair B!
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