Well, they are mine for six and half hours everyday anyway. We had a rough start to the year--three suspensions and numerous referrals to guidance. But the past 5 days are probably the best 5 days I've had in teaching for a long time. It makes such a difference when you can teach instead of tend. My class even dealt with an extraordinary event today. There was a fire drill while they were eating lunch. The fourth grade aide told them to follow her. Meanwhile, I was running around the school looking for my class. I never did find them. With over a thousand kids, there were too many places to go and not enough time. (The firemen that were checking the system at our school accidentally set off the alarm. The trucks came and everything.) Later, the aide sought me out to tell me that they were great! Oh, I love to hear that! I was still tired to the bone every night, but it is a different kind of tired...the good kind.
PS. Which one do you think wrote that not so apologetic apology back on September 24?
I love teacher stories!! And, as many of those little faces as I have seen through the years, they all look too innocent to have ever done anything that needed an apology. Maybe that is a good thing because we can forgive and forget much more easily. It's always wonderful to have someone else tell you your kids were great, isn't it?
I think it is front left green shirt?
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