Sunday, December 16, 2012

our own amazing race

 This afternoon we went into the city to do some shopping at the craft fair.  We wanted to buy an Argentine Nativity and it was really neat to meet this woman who cuts wood and makes many things including nativities.  My parents are very good customers and she was lovely and so generous.

 Right next to the craft fair was Recoleta Cemetery.  When my mom told me we were going to a cemetery,  in my wildest dreams I did not imagine this cemetery.   It was amazing.  The art and architecture of these mausoleums and crypts were incredible.  There are many remains of notable Argentine figures here.

While we were there, we divided into two teams, picked by Truman.  We each had a camera and list of things we needed to find.  The only rule was that one person from each team had to be in each picture.  Here are the results with each teams picture placed next to the competitors picture...

1.  Flowers
 2.  A Woman 
 3.  An Animal
 4.  A Man
 5. Crosses
 6.  Angel
 7.  Golden Dome
 8. Jesus Christ 
Despite Truman's dream team of Papa, Elliot and himself...our judges, Tricia and Chez voted Nana, Spencer, myself and Nolan the winners!


That night, my mom and dad took Spencer and I back into the city via the train to see the tango dancers.  They danced in an outside pavilion.  It felt a little like watching a movie being filmed.  They just throw their tango shows in their bag and head over for a little dancing before they go home.  It was super cool to see how passionate they are about their tango.  We were so convinced that some of the partners dancing were a couple.  Then, moments later they would leave that person and dance passionately with someone else and ruin all of our theories!  A fun night out with mom and dad

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