I have a hypothesis:
There is a direct correlation between my shower and family trauma.
I have data:
99 times out of 100, when I get in the shower, someone in my family needs me desperately.
For example:
Truly life-threatening and time sensitive issues like
...I can't find the shoes I want to wear (from Brianna, although we are not going anywhere anytime soon) and
...Will you call this girl that I don't want to talk to (from Cherylyn who has talked to this girl before without anxiety and it is more than likely that she will be available when my shower is over)
must be solved in the exact moment that I am taking a shower.
I have a conclusion:
My shower is somehow linked into the cosmos of negative Carter karma.
I have to admit that I have needed mom with a shower time traumas!
Yeah, OK...but 99 out of 100? ;)
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