Sunday, October 01, 2006

conference Sunday

Our conference Sunday tradition of making cinnamon rolls continues. It is great living on the east coast because I don't even have to wake up early to have them ready by the first session.

My favorite memories of this conference have to be centered on the prophet. Our dear 96-year-old prophet delivering a message of one of his favorite themes--following in the faith of the pioneers. And later, after the second Sunday session when the entire conference center rose to their feet as the choir sang We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet. At the end of the conference President Hinckley spent a few minutes waving his cane to the congregation who were still on their feet.


Melanie said...

I'm all about the cinnamon roll conference tradition. Loved conference too. :)

imcp2 said...

conference was great!!
did the cameras show Pres. Hinckley blowing kisses to the congregation?

the Spirit was very strong...not many dry eyes in the conference center, and I suspect in the congregations and homes around the world.

Tricia said...

messy chef at her best!!

Jen said...

I love cinnamon rolls, Mel made them for my family when we went to their house for confrence.