It is spring in Argentina. Doug left this afternoon. He will be busy helping to support BYU as they promote the launch of the BYU channel. As he was leaving, I was busy giving him some wifely words of advice...remember this and that. He said that this was, in all probability, his last trip to Argentina. For a place that has meant so much to the well-being of our family over the years and as people that he has come to love, it is a bittersweet thought. It seems unlikely that it could be true. When he retired, he most certainly thought that it was his last trip to Argentina, and he has actually been back eight times since then.
After he left this afternoon, I finished reading the Book of Mormon. I have read it more times that I can remember, yet it never fails to move me. The last chapter is especially compelling as Moroni gives seven exhortations. What is an exhortation anyway? says that it is urgent advice, recommendations, or warnings. Yes, he gives seven, one of which is to remember the other that!
So, I guess what I was really doing was giving my husband exhortations. One of which was to remember that it is spring in Argentina--look at the beautiful jacaranda trees that paint the city a lavendar pastel this time of year.

"And I would exhort you, my beloved...that ye remember that every good gift cometh of Christ."
Moroni 10:18
1 comment:
All husbands should listen to the exhortations of their wives.
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