My first memories of TPing, of course, come from when I was a teenager. Our family had a fountain in the front yard and, in addition to TP, we also got our fountain soaped. After cleaning up the mess a number of times, my mother finally found a product that we kept in the fountain that kept the bubbles from foaming...much the chagrin of the boys who thought it was quite hysterical.
My next memories of TPing, come from my daughters, who inspired numerous attempts over the years, but my personal favorite was when the boys dressed in black and hiked into our guard-gated house in Meadown Run to do the deed. They showed up the next morning to help clean up and enjoy pancakes for breakfast.
Brianna woke up this morning with a call of distress "OH NO!" Someone has TPed our house. Doug and I thought it was quite humorous. Doug then said, "They love you," referring to my YW.
It was hard to get a good picture, but they did a reasonably impressive job that kept my busy for quite a while cleaning up and I did manage to fill a whole garbage can! There were cutout hearts everywhere! and even a roll of caution tape!
Man, I miss those days!!! The birdhouse IS an awesome place to TP.
Yeah for TP!
Spencer and I re-lived our TP days last night. Such good times.
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