Saturday, March 10, 2007

baby chicks

It occured to me the other day that it is the time of year when baby chicks arrive at the local feed stores. I don't know why I love this rite of spring...but the babies are so cute and I just love to hear them peep, peep, peeping in the house under the lamp. After a few years, we have determined that although the others are just as adorable, the Rhode Island Reds lay the best and have the sweetest temperaments.

We went to Dan's Feed and Fuel in Umatilla. I'll have to post a picture of that place sometime, but let's just say that it took me a few years to get up the guts to go into the place, and I only managed it last year because Corky and Carter and Jonah were desperate for baby chicks at the house. Since I had reinforcements, ie Dan and Trish, we braved the place. Having survived, Brianna and I went for the adventure today with these cute little results:

She put a "Peeps Marshmallow" box inside their temporary home as a food trough. It just cracks me up that the chicks find it quite cozy and like to sleep in it!


Linda Carter said...

I remember when you had baby chicks which turned into big ducks at your house in claremont..

Cherylyn said...

such fond memories...and not so fond memories of poor Tricia's chick. Those are so cute! I would like to name one please if they aren't already.

Tricia said...

Names please?