On a previous visit to NC, I saw an old abandoned-looking/scary looking warehouse facility that said that they sold draperies. I mentioned to Tricia as we were driving by that she ought to check the place out. Uh-huh, she unenthusiastically replied. But then we were driving by again and so she decided that I should take my fate into my own hands and she would wait in the car and call 911 if I didn't return in a reasonable amount of time. I did return and we spent the next two hours in the place with the following terrific results:

Baby Belu is looking a little startled in this picture. She was unsure of what to make of Nana who hauled her out of bed every morning for exciting adventures like the one above mentioned. In the end, she turned out to be quite the shopper and rewarded me by learning how to shake her head, and laugh, and au-gooooooo on demand. She was ADORABLE!

March arrived this week much to the delight of the two boys with birthdays this month. Papa and I added to the John Deere collection. The gifts were received with joyful exclamations. Only Tricia seemed a bit annoyed about my great idea of loading the wagon with
Smarties for delivery that somehow seemed always to end up in Jonah's belly.
Courtney loves her new school and she read me a story about a Grandma who makes sweet potato pie.

It was so much fun hanging out with the family.
I enjoyed all of our adventures. I especially enjoyed learning more about the new genealogy program the church is working on and searching for information.
But mostly I just loved being THERE with THEM.
The store was SO YOU!!! If it had been MY idea to go in it, it would surely be as scary inside as out. Sounds like a great time hanging out. Great blog moo!
p.s. Awesome curtains.
The curtains looks great! I am so glad you finally found one's that look awesome there. Awesome presents for the boys! The only reason why we love Family History as much as we do is because of you!
too true on the family history
it was a great week!
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