Today is the first day of the 2008 Leesburg Scripture Study Program. It is a program that has worked for me. I have been following it fairly successfully for the past 5 years. (Albeit, the first two years, it was the Fort Myers Scripture Study Program.) If anyone out there in blogger world is interested, let me know and I will email you a copy of the entire program which prints into a little booklet 4" x 5.5" that tucks quite nicely into your scriptures.
This reading program is designed to provide a specific outline of consistent scripture reading that will enhance your study of the gospel. If you choose to follow this program you will read the entire Book of Mormon, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (third hour course of study for 2008), Preach My Gospel, For the Strength of Youth and the General Conference talks for April and October 2008. This program requires an average of three pages of reading on a daily basis.
As the booklet says:
Consistent study of the scriptures and the words of modern prophets will guide us along the path of righteousness and bless us with the Spirit on a daily basis.
I was in Melanie's ward a few years ago and would love a copy when you have a chance. neleafpeepers@yahoo.com Scripture study is something I struggle with. Thanks
Hi I would love you to send me a copy:) jenartibani@comcast.net thanks sooooo much
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