As the stake president, my husband asked the seminary students in our stake to learn about the lives of the first presidency and apostles this year as part of their course of study. Unbeknownst to anyone at the time, but many months later, he found out that Elder Andersen would be visiting our stake. As a special request, Elder and Sister Andersen agreed to meet with the youth this morning. Although not a seminary student yet, but having turned 14, Brianna was invited to attend.
The Andersens shared personal experiences that have been meaningful in their lives. Elder Andersen also gave a glimpse of some of his interactions with other apostles.
He reminded the youth how easy it is to go wrong and that no one is compelled to choose the right, but then warned them that they have been given a pearl of great price, and they must do their part. He also emphasized the importance of honesty. After the meeting, Elder Andersen shook the hand of each and every one of the 100+ youth in attendance.
It was great seeing the stake center was filled to capacity for the general session. I took quite a few notes, but I will just mention here that I did love being reminded by Elder Andersen in his gentle, but poignant way that who we are, we have been for a very long time and will be forever and that we are in a beautiful time of our eternal lives. He admonished us to see life for what it is and not what it appears. He told us not to be afraid of our situations, but to confront them realizing that we are not alone.
Afterwards, it was our privilege to host lunch for the stake presidency and their wives, the mission president and his wife, Brother and Sister Williams and the Andersens.

Of course, I had an expectation for a spirit-filled weekend. The amazing thing to me, is that it was so much more amazing than I had anticipated. I feel truly overwhelmed in a most wonderful way. I lack the words and actually, even the inclination to try to describe it. However, I am trying to memorize the feeling. I know I will want to access that again and again.
How blessed we are!