Sunday, September 05, 2010

no maintenance hair for high maintenance me

Nearly a month ago, I saw someone with cute hair, so I called her salon and made an appointment. It was not convenient to my house, but quite near where I played tennis, so I figured it would work out great...right up until I was no longer driving.

I was debating whether it was possible to even keep the appointment, but Doug said he would take me and then received a reprieve when Gail volunteered.

I told the stylist that I have to put the blow dryer between my knees and rotate my head back and forth and that I truly need a "no maintenance" haircut since I can't manage a brush, nor an iron.

My cute husband, who has never liked my hair short, let alone extra short, is coping.
Brianna tactfully said, "It's different."
My friends told me it was great though, and I am going to go with that ;)

This week, I have been the recipient of so many thoughtful

and acts of kindness.

They have all been significant to me.

I feel very loved.

*In the end, I decided not to have the mri at all since the therapy for a torn rotator cuff or bicep is rest. All parts of my arm will get plenty of rest while waiting for my shoulder to heal.


Kirstie said...

Aww! I think your hair is beautiful!!

Tricia said...

I love the hair AND the dress. :)

Melody said...

This friend loves the hair and the dress. You look beautiful!

Alexis said...

Your hair looks super cute! love it!

Aaron and Mercedes said...

Cuteeee!!! I agree with Tricia... I love that color.

JenniferCarter said...

love the new style. very cute and men never like short hair, so just enjoy and know it looks great! We hope the arm heals well and that you can use it soon.