Tanner and Chezzie gave Doug a wonderful Father's Day gift. They said they would organize the garage. Anyone who knows the state of our garage can only begin to appreciate the enormity of the project. Tanner has spent numerous hours out there this summer, and the tractor and a car both fit easily into place now. While working yesterday, he found a box of Melanie's old gymnastic clothes. Evidently "something" else had discovered them first. But what? We can't decide if these cute little guys are baby rats or baby squirrels. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

so what are they???
oh my sickness! My clothes?!? Arrrrrghhhhhh!!!!
They're adorable. I love all babies! I don't care what they are!
(Can you tell I just had one? Sooner or later I'll probably have the same response as Mel--SICK!)
I am with you Trish...when we first thought they were rats, Tanner was going to "take care of them"...I couldn't even bear the thought of it, and I said "they are cute little babies!", and Tanner said "cute babies turn into annoying ugly adults". I hope I hope I hope they are squirrels...but I am beginning to wonder.
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