Tuesday, August 08, 2006

giving and receiving

I had the strongest feelings that I should go to south Florida to give our support to the Varela family. Mel is a friend who has made extraordinary effort to keep in touch with Doug through the years. He has helped him on numerous projects, both in business and for BYU even though he is not a member of our church.

Brianna agreed to come along, and the past two days went something like this for me:

Go to work
Drive 3 1/2 hours to south Florida
Change clothes in the restroom at Nordy's in the Boca Towne Center
Meet Susan and Amanda Current for dinner
Attend the viewing
Drive by our home in Parkland
Spend the night with the Lake's
Attend the funeral
Drive 3/1/2 hours back home
Meet the parents of my students at Back to School Night
Go to ward council

There was nothing in the events of the past two days that was unexpected and I knew that the days would be long and full.

What was unexpected however, was how renewed I felt. I loved visiting the people and places in my past. And even more, I appreciated the conversation that I had with Rolain Lake. It is one of the paradoxes of life that when you think you are giving, you often receive much more than you actually give.

I am so thankful for this experience.

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