Monday, September 22, 2008

back in the old days

when someone talked about a graphic novel, it was something to stay away "porno"graphic novel. Not the kind of book that I would ever imagine myself reading. But graphic novels have apparently been around since the days when people had nothing to write on but caves. The term has been popularized for the past thirty years or so, which means that I am not exactly on the cutting edge of the genre. I read my first one this weekend. In fact, I had never even read a comic book, so the whole experience was pretty interesting for me. This book would be particularly good for girls between the ages of 7 and 14, depending on their reading ability and if they are into the fairytale/fantasy genre, which I am not. Nevertheless, I did enjoy how the pictures and the story line worked for change!



Jordan Mathews said...

You have never read a comic before I read a few mostly my brothers when he was in his teenage years I read them when he wasnt looking, they are cool it just depends on the book. Blog you later.

Kirstie said...

I want to read that, it looks good!