Tuesday, September 16, 2008

september in the garden


My friend Meems, who doesn't know that she is my friend, composes a piece every month about what is blooming in her garden. I decided to try her tradition. September is a month of celebration for those plants that endured and anticipation of new occupants. So here are the hardy which seem more beautiful than ever toDSC02601 me:

The roses have taken a serious hit this year because the Surinam Cherry Bush has gotten so big as to block out most of the required eight hours of sunlight needed for a successful rose garden. However, this true performer carries on in spite of the lack of attention and care that she was previously used to. DSC02636 DSC02620DSC02638

The purple coneflowers has brought me joy all summer long with the numerous varieties of butterflies that have come to pay a visit.


DSC02616The lazy Susan's wake up late every day and go to bed early, but for the better part of the day their bright and sunny faces bask in the sun. For some reason, pictures don't seem to capture their essence.

DSC02626When we purchased this house, the owners had a small vase of these self-seeding impatiens on the table. I have yet to see a time when these flowers weren't blooming. This year I have let them take over several spots. DSC02636 DSC02610DSC02609 DSC02604
I bought this Beauty Berry plant at the Mt. Dora plant show last November. It was a tiny thing then. Now over six feet tall and the berries for the birds are beginning to turn purple. It has been very exciting to watch each development and I am wondering who will enjoy the feast?

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DSC02619I have chives growing in four of my herb gardens. I had been a little disappointed that none of them every bloomed and then this summer the northwest growers gave me joy. I'll bet her sister plants are jealous!

And for the finale!

DSC02621The orchid is back with no less than seven blooms this time! Isn't she lovely?


Rae said...

Your garden is beautiful as always. Your orchid exquisite. My garden is in shambles! I am utterly mortified at its current condition!!

Melody said...

Lovely, indeed.

Jordan Mathews said...

Awww your garden is so pretty.

Maria said...

I saw your comment. I have tried to keep up with blogging, but I am not as regular as others. The pictures are beautiful. The garden still is amazing! I especially loved your comment about your friend who doesn't know she is your friend. Funny!

Ashlea said...

you are so talented and I just enjoyed all of the beautiful pictures. What a way to surround your home!

Stephanie said...

Your garden is so beautiful! I love the orchid! Thanks for sharing such gorgeous pictures!

SpaceyKasey said...

Muy Impressivo! I especially loved the orchid.

Melanie said...

Loved all your garden pics mom...we were just talking about your lovely garden tonight at dinner.