Saturday, February 28, 2009


*loves to eat tons of anything and everythingDSC04263

*knows how to walk, but will only take a few steps if we beg and clap ALOT

*thinks he should be able to do everything everyone else does and gets mad if he is left out

*is a great little negotiator of the stairs

*says Nana

*has had so much fun climbing on this table and unseating the birdhouse (bottom right) that normally sits there                        DSC04269

*plays ah-ohhhhh really well

*has an adorable smileDSC04264






*delighted Ashley White at YW...having never seen this face before, she looked up and said, "Is Cherylyn here???"











                      *seems really happy at the Birdhouse


Tricia said...

such a sweet face

debbie said...

he is a cutey

Jordan Mathews said...

Awww he is a ham :D