My tummy was hurting today, but I enjoyed watching these two guys play. Clark had fun using the island in the kitchen as a race track.

Andrew chased the leaking helium balloon around the house

banging on it like his brother had modeled yesterday. I no sooner had purchased it than we realized that it was leaking air. When Cherylyn took it back to the store, the lady showed her the place on the face that was ripped. She put a piece of tape on it and refilled it. We showed Clark the "bandaid" and told him to be careful. He became less interested in the fragile balloon while Andrew became more so.
Although I wasn't feeling up to much, their favorite aunt, who Clark has rechristened Brianda, was keeping them all happily entertained.
I had fun playing with Clark last Wednesday. Brianda is my favorite also.
SCUSE ME!? I am their favorite aunt--just ask Andrew.
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