Tuesday, October 11, 2011

and then some

When we returned home from our zone conference today this is what we found:

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When we moved into the mission home, I told my daughters that it was going to take all my skills, and then some to bring it up to speed.

Apparently, there was a big water leak which was fixed before we moved in. However, the moisture has been trapped behind the wallpaper and mold has been growing in various colors…purple, yellow and brown.

The project to remove it has begun! The entry hall, downstairs office, dining room and our bedroom are all on the to do  list. The picture on the left is the office and the picture on the right is the dining room.

1 comment:

Melody said...

Because you have nothing else to do, I say you redecorate! ;)

I'm so glad it's not me. I wouldn't even know where to start.