I'm glad I'm cutting the distance between us in half. I'm glad you are always in my heart no matter where I am. I love you! Tricia

This Mother's day I want you to know how much you are loved. Not only do I love you, but so does my husband and my two little boys. Truman and Elliot love their Nana. I am grateful that they have someone so wonderful to look up to and is such a good example. You have always been someone to follow after when it comes to such important things like reading the scriptures and praying and being supportive of your husband when he spends so many hours doing service and doing service yhourself. I am thankful every day for the things that I learned from you and continue to learn. I have been so blessed by your love. I am not sure if I always understood how much you loved me...but now that I am a mom, I feel like I have a much better understanding. It is a little overwhelming, but I am so grateful to have that blessing in my life. Thank you for loving us and supporting us! You are a wonderful mother and we love you. Happy Mother's Day! Love, Melanie, Spencer, Truman and Elliot

Happy Mother's Day! I am so glad we get to spend my first official one together! I now have a better understanding about the love you have for each one of us now that I have my own and also all the time, patience, and prayers that are a necessity for successful motherhood and I am so glad I have a great example to look to in you! I love you! Love, Chezzie

You are the best! Love, Doug
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