I think I first fell in love with Easter lilies when we lived in London...not that I wouldn't have loved them sooner, only because that is when I became acquainted with flowers. The English love their gardens and with so many dull days, they keep fresh flowers in their homes almost as a necessity to keep their spirits bright. It helps that many flowers are cultivated in Holland just across the channel and you can often buy flowers for a few pennies...seriously, pennies.
One year during the Easter season, and in England, Easter is a season rather than a day, as in the U.S., I found a wonderful book written by Brian Wildsmith called
The Easter Story. I was delighted with the pictures and particularly the picture depicting the resurrection.

I have always had liles in my home at Easter since that time. Now I grow them in my garden. Sadly, they are never open for Easter. I actually had some hope this year as Easter was late, but nevermind...they arrived in full bloom yesterday to the delight of all of us.

they look awesome! You know I love lilies as I had them for my wedding! Can't wait to see them TOMORROW IN PERSON!
Those are beauty. I love that you have a gareden that you love to tend.
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