Imagine sending a fan letter to someone you admire. You know, like fan mail to a rock star. Then imagine that the very next day you receive a personal and thoughtful response. Well, that is what happened to me!
Meems is a garden blogger. To me, she is a backyard rock star. After lurking on her blog for the past year, yesterday, I sent her this note minus the picture:
Subject: earth day 2008 & 2009
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 13:17:30 -0400
Dear Meems,
Last year for Earth Day I decided that I wanted to "find" a garden blog from a Floridian. I am not sure exactly how I ran into yours, but it was love at first sight. I have truly enjoyed each and every one of your posts and look forward to them. Gardening is relatively new to me. I have a lovely herb garden that was started just over two years ago.
Debbie Carter
This is part of the response I received from her this morning:
Subject: RE: earth day 2008 & 2009
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 07:26:00 -0400
Dear Debbie,
I guess one never knows who all is reading a blog and how they are being influenced. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you like following along.
I can imagine a large piece of property being daunting to a new gardener. I have to chuckle at "theoretically" you should have more time since retiring. I've not been working for two years now and there is never a dull moment. Admittedly, I do spend many, many hours in my yard.
The best approach in my opinion is whittling away at one section at a time. Ask yourself which places you benefit from the most. Is there a place you like to sit outdoors or is there a place you view from a favorite spot indoors. When I got serious about gardening I concentrated on the front entry because it is what gives the first impression to me and to passersby. From there I made the view around the back patio very inviting to my own eyes. I worked my way out from there to make the view from my kitchen window (which extends from the back patio) one that drew me outdoors (not that I really need any help in that area).
Herb gardens are a perfect way to start. Believe it or not I didn't have one until I started blogging. I'm not sure why except I just wasn't confident about creating one. I've learned a great deal from other bloggers which has given me inspiration to try many new things.
It's great to have you along as a reader...Happy earth day and happy gardening to you. Are you anywhere near the Tampa Bay Area?
Meems has a wonderful blog at
1 comment:
Hi Debbie,
I've wanted to comment on this post. I have to say it's a little intimidating being considered a backyard rock star by anyone. The very thought of it does make me chuckle though.
I'm so glad you found my blog and now I'm glad to have found yours.
BTW, could we pick up your house and put it in my yard? Now that's a plan!
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