Thursday, April 16, 2009

the trek begins

Our house has been abuzz. Phone calls, dropbys and dropoffs have been at an all time high, and now the time is at hand. Today I drove half of this group of kids from our ward to Chiefland, Florida. It is about two hours from here.

Anabell Nunez, Nashua Lugo, Megan Berge, Nellie Lugo, Sarah Montgomery, Melissa Schaffer, Mikky Anderson, Drew Doerfler, Efren Devera, Jon Brooks and Michael BilvinDSC04706

The kids then had to pass a very important interview. Do you have any food? makeup? electronics?

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If the answer to all of the above was no, then they got assigned to a family of ten or eleven. They will spend the next few days pulling their handcarts and learning about this important aspect of our Mormon heritage. There was lots of excitement and a little bit of fear!


Tricia said...

Food, makeup and electronics...if those are cardinal sins, I'm in trouble indeed. ;)

Danette Garrett said...

It sounds like they sre leaving the present behind. What a bunch of fun they will have (I hope).

Melanie said...

i wish i was going...that sort of thing seems right up my ally to experience...go dad!